Pest Prevention Methods Photos of Prevention Methods Pest Prevention: Do you need to hire professionals? Pest Prevention Methods can be tricky. Balance of Nature offers top quality pest prevention services for your home. Depending on your needs, your home might require installation of attic and gable screens to help prevent raccoons and squirrels from entering your home from these areas. Screens come in stainless steel or galvanized. We also install bird and rodent guards over dryer vents. This prevents nesting birds such as sparrows and starlings from blocking the vent with nesting material, which may result in damage your dryer, or even worse, a fire. There are many prevention methods available through Balance of Nature, Inc. Some you may be able to do yourselves, others you should contact a professional like us. Occasionally, due to the location where the incursion occurred it may require lifts or tall ladders to reach the spot. Balance of Nature has access to the necessary lifts and our technicians receive training on how to use them.